Indus hospital is a tertiary care multidisciplinary hospital in Pakistan. It is the first paperless hospital in Pakistan, equipped with state-of-the-art equipments. It is also a teaching hospital. Moreover, it offers psychological therapy to patients. This article explains more about the services offered by Indus hospital.
Indus Hospital is a tertiary care facility
Founded by Dr. Abdul Bari in 2008, the Indus Hospital & Health Network provides quality tertiary care to underserved communities in Pakistan. The hospital has proven its commitment to providing healthcare that is free to those in need through philanthropic efforts and donations. But free healthcare does not happen overnight, and it is important to have credibility to convince donors to provide their funds.
The Indus Hospital Karachi is located in Korangi, a district of Karachi. It provides treatment to a population of 2.5 million within a five-kilometer radius. It also accepts patients from other parts of Karachi. The Indus is a privately funded, not-for-profit institution that relies on donations from its patients. It is a model of philanthropy and community service.
Indus Hospital Karachi offers advanced medical services for patients from all over Pakistan. The 150-bed charity-based hospital is well equipped to address the wide range of medical needs of its community. Its programs focus on public health issues and a wide range of specialties.
The Indus Hospital & Health Network has faced many challenges as it sought to grow. But it remains an excellent healthcare provider in the region. Its efforts will be rewarded as the number of patients who visit the hospital continues to grow. Nevertheless, the hospital will still need some government support to stay in business. It is also dependent on donations and zakat from the community.
The IHHN has 13 hospitals throughout Pakistan. Of these, four are owned by the organization while eight are operated under public-private partnerships. In addition to its hospitals, the IHHN manages a network of primary care clinics. Some of these clinics are mobile, while others are in containers and boats. It also runs disease-based outreach programs in Balochistan and KP.
It is a teaching hospital
Indus Hospital & Health Network was founded in 2007 with 150 beds. Since then, it has expanded into a multi-hospital network that provides free health care to millions of deserving patients. The hospital operates multiple tertiary care and secondary care hospitals, as well as physical rehabilitation centers, regional blood centers, and various public health programs in Pakistan.
Indus Hospital Karachi’s mission is to provide the highest quality of healthcare services. The facility features the best doctors and the latest healthcare technology. Patients from all over the city can find medical treatment at Indus Hospital. The hospital is renown for its services throughout the city. Here are some of its notable services:
The hospital also has a variety of volunteer programs. Volunteers spend time in various departments and wards. They assist with minor emergencies and learn how a hospital operates. The experience also gives them an understanding of the lives of the common man. While volunteering, they feel humbled to be able to help, and the experience strengthens their philanthropic spirit.
General Physicians: General physicians are trained to diagnose and treat a range of illnesses. They also assist in the management of chronic illnesses. They are the first point of contact for patients. Children are also treated by general physicians. They are also trained to deal with various problems affecting children.
It offers psychological therapy to patients
The Psycho-social Department at the Indus hospital Karachi has developed a variety of activities that encourage relaxation and healing, such as board games and indoor activities. Patients can also take advantage of a ‘Chat & Relax’ corner and individual sessions with psycho-social counselors.
The Pursukoon Zindagi Wellness Centre at Indus hospital Karachi offers psychological therapy for patients free of charge. The centre also provides patient support groups. Interactive Research and Development hopes to establish more of these centres in Karachi. The centre started offering these services to patients in 2014.
During the last decade, the mental health sector has made great strides in Karachi. There are numerous non-profit initiatives that provide psychological care to low-income communities. The Karwan-e-Hayat has established a 100-bed psychiatric hospital and has assisted over half a million people.
The Medical Directorate of the hospital also has an Emergency Response Committee (ERC). The committee ensures that the hospital provides comprehensive medical care for children. The hospital focuses on the needs of children and strives to create an environment that is child-friendly and encouraging. It has also organized several activities to celebrate children’s success. It has recently held a Children’s Carnival and a Clubfoot event.
The IHHN has a rehabilitation program designed to empower physically disabled individuals. Through this program, they aim to give these patients a chance to become independent and contribute to society. There are four rehabilitation centers in Pakistan under the IHHN and these centers offer four types of services: physical therapy, prosthetics, and speech and audiology.
Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment
A five-kilometer radius surrounding Indus hospital has a population of over 2.5 million people. The hospital is a philanthropic foundation that relies on donations from the public to offer free medical care. Phase one of the hospital is now complete with 150 beds of in-patient accommodation. As of 2014, the hospital treated about 1500 patients each day for free.
The hospital’s goal is to provide quality care to underserved populations in the city. It was founded in 2007 by Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, who served for many years in public sector hospitals. His vision was to create a multidisciplinary tertiary care hospital for the underserved population of Karachi. Despite the limited healthcare services in the country, he knew that there was a need for a facility to provide quality healthcare without a financial burden.
Indus hospital has over 150 patients with MDR-TB. At halfway through her two-year treatment program, Najima’s symptoms were almost gone. The hospital’s outreach programs included free medicine, twice-daily support from a treatment supporter, and money for transportation to and from the hospital. Indus has a number of departments including urology, orthopedics, general pediatric and adult surgery, hematology, immunology, and chemical pathology. Its recent acquisition of a tuberculosis diagnostic unit is another example of the hospital’s commitment to its community.
Indus hospital Karachi provides care to patients with various disabilities. With its state-of-the-art equipment and staff, the hospital focuses on a comprehensive medical solution for those living with disabilities. The hospital provides physiotherapy, orthotics, and prosthetic devices.
It has an e-cardiology system
E-cardiology is an emerging trend in medical care and Indus hospital Karachi is one of the first hospitals in Pakistan to launch the system. It will help doctors monitor heart patients remotely and provide immediate help. The system enables doctors to transmit images to the on-call cardiologist via mobile phone in seconds.
E-cardiology will improve patient care, as the system is easy to use and accessible. It will help doctors better diagnose and treat patients, thereby improving patient care and reducing hospital costs. The new system is the first of its kind in Pakistan and will improve access to quality cardiac care.
The hospital’s Research Center has a core team of epidemiologists and biostatisticians, and is working with international universities. It also has video conference facilities and full access to the National Digital Library. The library, set up under the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, offers over 45,000 online books and more than 23,000 journal titles.
Indus Hospital is a 750-bed hospital. Its directors report to a nine-member board. The physicians who founded the hospital worked for free for the first six months. The hospital’s services reflected the specialties of its founding physicians. It focused on high-end procedures, such as cardiac angioplasty and cardiac surgery. It had a long waiting list for procedures such as these.
Among the 150 MDR-TB patients at the hospital, Najima had almost all her symptoms gone by half of the treatment program. Free medicine, a trained supporter twice a day, and money for transportation to the hospital contributed to her recovery. The Indus Hospital was so successful that her family decided to move to Karachi so that she could receive treatment at the hospital.