Lawrencepur Sand is the highest quality natural gravel sand in the country, mainly used in domestic, commercial, and huge infrastructure projects. Yousaf Carriage has been supplying Lawrencepur sand to customers in Pakistan for years. The company also sells Dina Sand, which is a kind of gravel sand that comes from near Mangla Dam. This sand is extremely price competitive and comes at an affordable rate.
Non-plastic Lawrencepur sand is a type of fine aggregate that contains quartz as the main mineral. It is also referred to as Ravi sand, Chenab sand, and Ravi sand. The difference between these three types of sand is the degree of plasticity. Plastic sands are typically clays, while non-plastic sands contain silts. They are collected from different locations around Lahore, including the Expo Centre and the Habanspura region.
There are many types of sand in Pakistan. The rivers in the region contain different gradations of sand. They are often used for construction purposes. Riverbed sands are regularly subjected to the erosive action of river flows, which can damage river training works and other infrastructure. To solve this problem, riverbed sands can be modified with locally available materials with lower hydraulic conductivity.
To determine the permeability of sand-fine mixtures, researchers conducted tests using ASTM D-2434 guidelines. They found that the permeability of sand-fine mixtures decreased as the percentage of fines increased. This was confirmed by a validation study with 52 data sets from the field.
Variations in MDD
During the research, it was observed that the MDD of Lawrencepur sand varied with different types of fines. The initial increase in MDD may be attributed to the fines occupying the voids in the sand. On the other hand, the decrease in density was attributed to particle bouncing, which increases the amount of space in between particles and reduces the dry density of the sand.
The permeability of sands is largely determined by the concentration of fines, and the concentration of these fines is very important for the permeability of sandy soils. The research involved sand samples from the Chenab, Lawrencepur, and Ravi rivers, and they were mixed separately with two fines. Each type was then tested through the standard Proctor test. From these parameters, a correlation was developed to predict the permeability value of each type. This correlation was compared to three other permeability correlations.
Yousaf Carriage
The Lawrencepur Sand Supplier is a building materials supplier in Pakistan located at Taxila near Lawrencepur. This sand is a natural wash sand that comes in various sizes. It is a top-quality sand that is often used for infrastructure, housing and commercial projects. The company has been supplying Lawrencepur sand to clients in Pakistan for many years and offers the lowest price on Lawrencepur sand in the country. The company works with many top construction companies across Pakistan and is well-known for its high-quality products.
The fines content in the sand determines the permeability of sandy soils. The study included 63 samples of different sands and fines, which were combined in increments of five percent. The sands were then tested using sieve analysis and hydrometric analysis. The samples were then classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System.
While most of the samples tested were non-plastic, some were higher in fines. This is an indication that the sand is silty. Its low MDD is a sign of safety, as it does not present any radiological health risks. In fact, the sand in Lawrencepur has lower MDD than other sands in the surrounding region.
Permeability: The samples tested had a maximum permeability of 4.63 x 10-3 cm/sec. When mixed with PF, CS, and NPF, the permeability decreases with increasing fine content. The permeability is highest when the RS is mixed with 50 percent PF.
Effect of plastic fines
In a study, the effect of plastic fines on the quality of Lawrencepur Sand was studied. It was found that most samples had no plastic fines and a few had higher proportions of plastics. Moreover, the samples were silty. In addition, they were classified as ‘poorly graded’ by USCS.
The permeability of the sand-fine mixtures was determined by conducting constant-head and falling-head permeability tests. The permeability of the sand and fine mixtures decreased with increasing fine content. This trend was statistically significant up to a level of 20% fine content.
The amount of plastic and non-plastic fines in the sand greatly influences its permeability. To examine this, samples of three types of sands were collected in different locations in Lahore. Then, a standard Proctor test was conducted on each type of sand. Then, sieve analysis and hydrometric analysis were performed to determine the particle size distribution. The results were compared to three other permeability correlations.
Contact: Muhammad Saboor Yousaf