Information about Pakistan Science Foundation
The Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) is an organization that funds scientific research projects across the country. The PSF funds research in major S&T disciplines such as Agriculture Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, and Environmental Sciences. It also funds international collaborations. A full list of its grants, scholarships, and fellowships can be found on its website.
The mission of the Foundation is to encourage scientific research and development in Pakistan. Its activities include funding basic and applied research, supporting scientific and technological societies, and establishing comprehensive science information centers. The foundation also encourages the establishment of science museums, herbaria, and science clubs in Pakistan. It also awards fellowships to individual scientists.
Research in health is important for developing health policies. Pakistan has conducted research in this field since 2013 and has estimated the number of publications from PakMediNet and PubMed. It is also vital to support the scientific community to ensure a better health care system for the people of Pakistan. However, it is not possible to fund all research in Pakistan. Instead, it is necessary to fund the research that will benefit the nation.
The Foundation has several sub-centres and is a national hub for S&T information. It has a National Science Reference Library, Literature Search, Technology Information Service, Reprographic Service, and more. It also publishes several scientific journals. It also holds workshops for scientists, researchers, and students.
The Foundation works with several scientific organizations to promote inquiry-based science education in Pakistan. It also collaborates with the Academy of Sciences of France to implement IBSE in the ECO region. It has been a pioneer in the rollout of IBSE in Pakistan. However, the Foundation has faced many challenges.
Programs offered by Pakistan Science Foundation
The Programs offered by Pakistan Science Foundation promote scientific and technological research by providing financial assistance for various research projects. It provides grants to universities and other R&D organizations. In addition, it supports the development of necessary infrastructure to support scientific and technological research. It also supports scholarships and fellowships for individuals interested in science and technology.
The Foundation’s broad-spectrum approach has yielded significant results. The funding of research projects has enabled MS and PhD scholars to earn degrees and created new laboratories that are working on key scientific issues. Additionally, the Foundation has recently launched the Science Talent Farming Scheme for secondary school students, with the aim of grooming them into productive scientists.
The projects funded by PSF have resulted in the publication of more than 600 research papers in national journals and five patents. Moreover, 169 research scholars and 115 Ph.Ds have been awarded based on their work. The results of these researches are translated into benefits for the country’s economy.
ECOSF President Dr. Manzoor Soomro presented a speech about the aims and objectives of the foundation. He stressed on the importance of inquiry-based science education, not merely teaching. The development of science begins with asking questions, and this is why ECOSF supports inquiry-based science education.
The Foundation offers a number of scholarships and fellowships for international students. Students are encouraged to apply for these opportunities if they believe that they have the academic potential to succeed. A full list of the Foundation’s funded scholarships is available online. The Foundation also announces internship and scholarship opportunities for international students.
The Khoj School for Community Education promotes holistic education by developing conceptual understanding, logical reasoning, and creativity in students. This approach aims to prepare the students for a competitive future. It also aligns with the ECOSF’s Inquiry-Based Science Education Project. Professor Soomro assures full support and cooperation for inquiry-based learning at community schools.
The Foundation also has fellowship programs for young scholars with excellent academic records. They support research projects aimed at sustainable agriculture and enhanced benefits for farmers. These projects are processed through an established procedure, and technical recommendations are provided by two Pakistani experts and a US expert through the USDA.
International scholarships offered by Pakistan Science Foundation
The Foundation’s International Scholarships Program is open to students of Pakistani nationality from any country around the world. Students can obtain application forms at the foundation’s offices or through affiliate agencies in their countries of residence. Applicants must return completed applications by the international deadline, or an earlier date specified by the local agency.
The PSF Scholarship program is available to students who have passed SSC level and have shown great potential for further studies. The scholarship offers a PKR 10,000 monthly stipend to students, as well as free tablets with internet facilities. It aims to encourage talented students to pursue further studies and train them to become eminent scientists.
The Pakistan Science Foundation offers an array of international scholarships and fellowships. These programs may be tuition fee-waiver or fully-funded. The Foundation’s website is a good place to start your search for these programs. You can search through their updated list of scholarships to find the perfect one for you.
Scholarships are offered to Pakistani students at many universities around the world. The University of Sussex has a scholarship program in psychology. This scholarship allows you to study at any of the university’s locations and at any level of study. There are also scholarships for students studying in the UK in creative industries, life sciences, technology, renewable and clean energy. The University of Kent’s Bestway Foundation Scholarship is available to Pakistani students studying full-time STEM subjects. Furthermore, scholarships are also available through the University of Birmingham.
The Aga Khan Foundation has a number of scholarships for Pakistani students to study abroad. There are scholarships in the US, UK, and Canada. The Aga Khan Foundation also offers a range of other programs for Pakistani students. Read our comprehensive guide to applying for a scholarship abroad.
Annual report of Pakistan Science Foundation
The Annual report of Pakistan Science Foundation highlights the progress of PSF funded research projects. These include a variety of major S&T disciplines such as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering, Earth Sciences, and Computer Sciences. PSF has been funding research projects in all these areas since 2008. As of 2016, PSF has funded more than 650 projects.
The PSF’s mission is to promote scientific research and development in Pakistan. To achieve this, it offers grants to universities and other R&D organizations. It also develops requisite infrastructure to foster research activities. As of 2016, the PSF is providing more than $23 million annually in research grants to more than 700 research projects.
The Foundation also funds conferences and other scientific events which bring together scientists from across the country to share their knowledge and research experiences. For the organization of such conferences, PSF provides financial assistance to universities and R&D Organizations. The Foundation provides funds for conferences after a formal request is made through the appropriate channels. Organizers must sign a Contract Agreement with the Foundation and submit an audit & utilization report to show that the funds were properly utilized.