The Senate of Pakistan is the upper chamber of the bicameral legislature of Pakistan. Its main role is to advise the Prime Minister on important issues. It has a number of powers. However, its most important role is to represent the interests of the people of Pakistan. In this article, we will discuss its powers, functions, and terms of office.
The Constitution of Pakistan defines the role of the Senate as the upper house of the National Assembly. The Senate is composed of fourteen members elected from each of the four provinces and the federal capital, along with the President. It has a total membership of three hundred forty-two and four seats reserved for women and non-Muslims.
The senate’s members are entitled to free speech. They may discuss any issue without fear of being harmed by the ruling party. The senate also has the power to make rules regarding procedure and conducting business. In addition to this, it is responsible for the election of the president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The senate plays a key role in educating and training Pakistani politicians.
The Constitution of Pakistan was amended in 1973 to make the Senate a bi-cameral body, with equal representation of all federating units. The idea of giving equal representation to each province is to balance out the provincial imbalance in the National Assembly. The Constitution of Pakistan states that each province is allowed to have a representative of at least a majority of its population. The Constitution of Pakistan also defines that each province is allowed 23 seats irrespective of its population, including those reserved for religious minorities and FATA. The Constitution also specifies that the Senate should guarantee a second deliberation and be impartial.
The Constitution of Pakistan was adopted after partition of the British Empire. It named the country as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It provides that only a Muslim can become the country’s prime minister or president. It also calls for the Islamisation of the nation’s laws.
The Senate of Pakistan is a body of elected representatives of the nation. Its members must be at least thirty years old and cannot hold any profit-making office in the country. Members are elected by single transferable vote and their term is six years. The senate cannot be dissolved. The president of Pakistan summons it whenever necessary. The senate has the power to make laws and appoint government officials.
The Senate of Pakistan functions according to the Constitution of Pakistan. The National Assembly and the Senate make up the Majlis-e-Shoora. The President is elected by both Houses of Parliament. The President may be removed from office only if two-thirds of the total membership vote in a joint session. Until an election, the Chairman of the Senate serves as President. The National Assembly, on the other hand, elects the Prime Minister.
The National Assembly meets at least once every five years. At its first session, the President addresses both Houses and informs the Majlis-e-Shoora. The National Assembly will meet for one hundred days in a year. The President may call for a special session if the need arises.
After partition, the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was elected in December 1947. It was tasked with framing the country’s first constitution. It passed the Objectives Resolution on 12 March 1949. This resolution laid down the principles that would become the foundation of the Pakistan Constitution. After the first Constituent Assembly was dissolved, the Governor General of Pakistan convened a second Constituent Assembly in May 1955. This new assembly framed the first constitution of Pakistan. The constitution was promulgated on 23 March 1956. The first constitution of Pakistan provided for a parliamentary form of government with a unicameral legislature.
Terms of office
The President of Pakistan has the power to call the Senate to a special session for a special purpose. He also has the power to amend the constitution and make rules for the chamber’s procedure and conduct of business. The Senate’s chairman and deputy chairman are elected at its first meeting and their terms of office are three years. If the Chairman is absent, the Deputy Chairman takes over. Both the Chairman and Deputy Chairman can be removed by a resolution of a member.
The Senate of Pakistan is the upper chamber of the bicameral legislature of Pakistan. It is also known as the ‘Aiwan-e-Bala Pakistan’ or the ‘Pakistan upper house’. The Senate is comprised of fourteen members from each province and four from the federal capital. Women and non-Muslims are represented in the Senate, which is a non-partisan body that acts as the national parliament.
Pakistan’s 1973 Constitution provides for a bicameral legislature and a parliamentary form of government. The Senate originally consisted of 45 members but was increased to 63 in 1977, 87 in 1985, and 100 in 2002. In 2010, the 18th amendment was enacted, raising the Senate’s membership to 104. The Senate’s strength was reduced to 96 after the merger of FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Elections to fill vacancies are held every three years.
The Senate of Pakistan is an elected body and has a number of rules and procedures. Its members are elected by members of the National Assembly and the provincial assemblies. The Deputy Speaker is elected by the National Assembly and he shall act as Speaker in the event that the Speaker is unable to act. The President may dissolve the National Assembly by decree, but he has to refer the matter to the Supreme Court within fifteen days. If the Supreme Court rules that the President should dissolve the National Assembly, the decision is final.
The constitution of Pakistan provides for an bicameral legislature. There are 45 senators in the Senate, and the membership was increased to 63 in 1977 and 87 in 1985. The strength of the Senate was increased again to 100 in 2002 when the 18th amendment was introduced, but the number of members decreased to 96 after the merger of FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Every three years, elections are held to fill vacant seats in the Senate.
There are a number of requirements for achieving Senate membership, including the age limit. The minimum age requirement is 25 years old. There are also several disqualifications for Parliamentarians and candidates. These rules apply to both sexes. For instance, in some cases, you cannot be a candidate if you have a criminal record.
The President of the Senate is a government official. He serves as the second highest official in the country. In the event that the head of the government steps down, the Senate President serves as the interim head. The President of the Senate presides over all sessions. This position is crucial in governing Pakistan.
In 1973, the constitution of Pakistan made certain qualifications and disqualifications a condition of being able to serve in the national legislature. However, this did not preclude dual nationality. The constitution addresses this issue in Article 63(1) (c), which disqualifies people who acquire citizenship in a foreign country.
To become a member of the Senate of Pakistan, you must be a citizen of Pakistan. Additionally, you must be in good moral standing and must comply with Islamic standards. The Senate may make rules and regulations that govern the work of secretaries and secretariats. But if you have a criminal record, you cannot serve in the Senate.