National Library of Pakistan is located in Islamabad. It has two floors – the first is the general Stacks and the second is the research rooms. The different floors are linked by lifts and book elevators. The National Library also has an Auditorium that can seat 400 people. It has become a focal point for cultural events in Islamabad. It also has reading halls that hold 500 seats.
Building of National Library of Pakistan
The National Library of Pakistan is the nation’s national library and research library. Located near the Red Zone in Islamabad, it provides access to a wide range of information. Whether you are researching the history of the country or seeking to understand the current political situation, the library will provide the information you need to find answers to your questions.
In the late 1980s, the National Library of Pakistan moved into a brand new building. The building on Constitution Avenue in Islamabad is equipped with an auditorium, 15 research rooms, seating for 500 readers, and computing facilities. The library also houses the Department of Libraries, which publishes the Pakistan National Bibliography. In addition to books, the library also has private collections, including the Freedom Movement Archives and 100,000 documents belonging to the All-India Muslim League.
In addition to its many collections, the National Library has an extensive collection of Pakistani literature. It has more than 90000 books in its collection through donations and purchases. It also serves as the official repository of several international organizations. The library also organizes lectures and exhibitions. Additionally, the building’s conservation laboratory helps preserve library items.
The building’s basement floor was previously used by the Delivery of Books and Newspapers Branch and the Telephone Exchange. The ground floor houses the Computer Section and the ISBN Agency. The first floor is dedicated to the Public Access Catalogue and 04 Reading Halls. It also has a seminar room and a class room.
The National Library of Pakistan is located around the Prime Minister’s Secretariat and houses a collection of 400,000 books, manuscripts, and rare books. It was established in 1986. Before that, the Liaquat National Library was established in Karachi. It later transferred its collection to Islamabad.
The project aims at improving library and information services in Pakistan and developing the national information network. It has set up five computer centers in the provinces and trained over 400 librarians. It has also helped establish financial stability for the Pakistan Library Association through various projects. In addition, it has published many books on Library Science and developed the first bibliographic database on CD-ROM.
The Library is also responsible for preserving Pakistan’s published literary heritage. It is the legal depository for all published literary works in the country. It is the leading knowledge resource centre and fountainhead of library development in Pakistan. The National Library of Pakistan aims to serve as the primary treasure house of recorded knowledge.
The library is open to the public. There are about 400 visitors every day. Some of these visitors are remote users. Around 30,000 people use the library’s facilities annually. The library offers online services, a huge stack area, and many other services.
The National Library of Pakistan is the legal depository for all the published literary heritage of Pakistan. It is also the fountainhead of Library developments in Pakistan, serving as a major knowledge resource for the nation. However, its membership and readership is quite low. This means that its services are not widely accessible to all.
The library stocks more than 20,000 titles, including books on history and politics. It also subscribes to many leading law journals. Members can access periodicals such as the Supreme Court Monthly Review and the Pakistan Law Journal. In addition, members can access the library’s databases via Web OPAC. The library is committed to innovation and change, and its Committee for Library Services holds regular meetings to ensure its service meets the needs of members.
In addition to public libraries, there are also private and university libraries in Pakistan. There are free and paid libraries and reading rooms all over the country. Membership of these institutions is a great way to read and learn. Many public libraries in Pakistan now have comfortable reading rooms for members to use. Whether you’re studying for a competitive exam or looking for some inspiration, a library is an ideal place to visit.
In addition to providing valuable information, a library plays a vital role in the development of a country. In today’s world, information is an essential component of decision making. For this reason, Pakistan needs to maintain its National Library to preserve its intellectual and cultural heritage.
Member organizations
Library service has an important place in Pakistan. It serves the interests of the nation and is one of its main resources. But it also faces problems such as lack of funding. The government of Pakistan has taken initiatives to make libraries financially sustainable and provide services to the general public. However, there is no uniform pay scale for librarians. But the government is committed to give them the same status as college teachers.
The National Library of Pakistan is a repository of Pakistan’s recorded cultural heritage. It is mandated to collect all published material produced in the country and make it accessible to future generations. It aims to become the principal treasure house of recorded knowledge in the country. It is a member of several library communities in the world.
In addition, the study found that women are underrepresented in leadership roles in library institutions in Pakistan. Consequently, more work needs to be done to ensure the representation of women in leadership positions. Libraries should promote women in leadership roles, include them in succession planning, and empower them to develop their full potential. In addition, they should be mentored and encouraged to develop their skills. By doing so, they will help to build the next generation of library leaders in Pakistan.
The association represents college libraries in Punjab province. It conducts seminars, produces professional literature, and maintains a directory of its members. Its membership list includes more than 50 libraries across the province.
Computer centres
The National Library of Pakistan is the country’s national research and library. It is located near the Red Zone in Islamabad and is a prime resource for information and research. With more than 1 billion volumes, it houses a wealth of information, which is available to everyone. Its computer centres offer free Internet access.
The library recently opened its doors to the visually impaired and established a computer lab with 20 computers. The centre will provide special programming to help the blind and visually impaired access the library’s materials. The National Library of Pakistan is committed to creating more technology-based resources for the visually impaired. In addition to this, the library also opened a Braille Corner for visually impaired individuals.
The National Library of Pakistan has a vast manuscript and rare book collection. It is also a member of the global library community. It has also served as a depository for international organizations including the Asian development bank and the International labor organization. It is also the national ISBN agency for Pakistani publications.
Computer use in libraries in Pakistan was first introduced in 1968, with the Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre becoming the country’s first union-catalog of periodicals. During the 1980s, automation began to become common in Pakistani libraries. At first, librarians were reluctant to implement automation for fear that it would diminish their role, but soon learned that it could be a valuable tool. ICTs are becoming increasingly popular in Pakistani libraries.
Development of information NETWORK
The emergence of an information society in Pakistan is evident in the attitudes of the people. In order to support the growth of the information society, Pakistan should develop an information NETWORK. This would help in the distribution of knowledge and information in a more efficient manner. Pakistan has started numerous initiatives and programs with the private sector.
These projects have provided vital resources for library development in Pakistan. International agencies have helped with computer equipment, software preparation, networking, library staff training, and curriculum development. The World Health Organization’s regional office has supported medical libraries in the country by supplying them with health sciences literature and conducting training workshops on ICT.
The National Education Policy of Pakistan provides for the establishment of multimedia libraries and information resource centers at the grass-root level. This initiative is aimed at building the capacity of library professionals and achieving a knowledge-based economy. It is also an important step toward gender equality and enhancing women’s status in the society. In addition, the initiative promotes women’s entrepreneurial skills and success stories.
Libraries have a vital role to play in society, facilitating the flow of information. Libraries are multipurpose community telecenters. However, they have been neglected by the government of Pakistan. As a result, these institutions should be considered a priority in the government’s development plans.