The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics is an agency under the Government of Pakistan. Its mandate is to provide solid statistical research and national statistical services. The Bureau publishes reports on a variety of topics related to the economy and society. It also conducts research on different topics that are of interest to the public. This article will look at some of the research that is conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.
Primary Sampling Units (SSUs)
Primary Sampling Units (PSUs) are geographical urban/rural areas that contain at least 200 households. They are also called enumeration blocks. These areas are compact and have well defined boundaries and maps. The sample size for these units is determined using a proportional allocation technique.
The PBS uses a two-digit code to denote primary sampling units. Secondary sampling units are those households within primary sampling units. The SSUs are used to estimate household nutrient intake. The data used for this study are from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.
The universe of the survey includes all urban and rural areas in Pakistan, including the capital city, Islamabad. Each city/town has a frame developed by the former FBS and updated in 2003. Enumeration blocks are divided into three income groups based on the living standards of the majority of the population. The SSUs are surveyed in a systematic manner.
Malnutrition is widespread in Pakistan and affects people of all ages. Progress in eradicating malnutrition has been slow over the past several decades. Consequently, Pakistan needs to implement more policy measures aimed at reducing food insecurity and improving nutrition.
Pakistan has a serious problem of child undernutrition, with 38% of children characterized as stunted. In Punjab, the province with the highest population, the proportion of stunted children is much higher. In Punjab, the province’s MICS-2014 included more than 31,000 children under five years of age.
Malnutrition is the cause of many diseases, including death and impaired immunity. Malnutrition affects millions of children in Pakistan each year. Malnourished children have a greater chance of wasting away because of low intake of fruit and vegetables. Their growth rate is stunted and they have reduced muscle mass.
In Pakistan, cereals and pulses constitute a substantial portion of a person’s diet. Wheat contributes approximately 46% of total daily calorie intake and 50% of protein. Pulses and other food sources make up 6% of the country’s protein intake. Animal protein is not widely consumed. Average protein intake per capita is 6.4 grams.
Pakistan National Accounts estimates
The national accounts are a compilation of economic data about Pakistan. They cover all transactions between resident units and reflect the whole economy of the country. The data are disseminated in millions of rupees on an annual basis based on current and constant basic prices. Data are available for the years 2005-06 and onwards. The more detailed long-term series of the national accounts main aggregates and macroeconomic indicators begin with 1951-52.
The National Accounts Bureau employs 66 individuals: twenty-one officers, 22 statistical assistants, and 23 supporting staff. All staff members are provided with computers and Internet access. The National Accounts Bureau is governed by the General Statistics (Reorganization) Act 2011, which outlines responsibility for the expenditure on the staff.
The revision of the national accounts is a major task, which entails a number of challenges. It also provides a unique opportunity to expand the coverage of economic activity, improve estimation methodologies, and improve the sources of data. The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has made an all-out effort to implement the recommendations of the 2008 SNA and to explore new sources of data. It has also expanded its coverage of economic activities as defined by the Pakistan Standard Industrial Classification.
The country’s economy can be broadly classified into three major sectors: agriculture, industry, and services. The distribution of data for agriculture and industrial activities is similar to that for 2005-06; however, the distribution of data for industrial activities and services is slightly different. Industrial activities now include electricity, gas, and water supply industries.
The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics rebases the national accounts and price statistics every five years. This year, this process will take place on Wednesday. It will be chaired by the secretary of the planning ministry. The planning secretary has met with the National Accounts Committee several times to discuss the state of the economy and the GDP growth outlook.
The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics is a primary government agency responsible for collecting, compiling, and disseminating reliable statistics on a timely basis. It was established in 1950 as an attached department of the Economic Affairs Division. In 1972, it was upgraded to a full-fledged Statistics Division. The agency has since been restructured, and in 1981 it was merged with the Federal Bureau of Statistics and the Population Census Organization.
Since 2014, the PBS has conducted 45 surveys and censuses. The results have been reviewed by World Bank and internal experts. The methodology has been updated to reflect a wider range of economic activities. The input-output ratios for various industries have also been updated to reflect their higher contributions to the economy.
Statistical research by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics is the prime official agency in Pakistan responsible for collecting, compiling, and disseminating reliable and timely statistics. Its mandate includes the compilation of statistical information for economic, social, and environmental policy-making. The PBS publishes a number of reports covering a variety of topics. Its research also includes evaluation of statistical methods and standard concepts.
The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics compiles and analyzes national and international statistical data, which can be used to improve policy-making and decision-making in the country. Its publications include tables, reports, and yearbooks on a variety of topics. Many of these publications are freely available online.