The Survey of Pakistan is the country’s sole national mapping and land surveying agency. The head of the department is the Surveyor General of Pakistan. The Survey of Pakistan maps and measures land, water, air, and geological features in Pakistan. Its primary mission is to provide accurate maps and information for government use.
Geological mapping
The Geological Survey of Pakistan is an independent executive scientific agency that explores the country’s natural resources. The organization collects data on minerals, fossil fuels, and other resources to guide economic development and resource management. The primary goal of the survey is to better understand Pakistan’s landscape. Its maps and reports provide valuable information to businesses and other organizations.
The geological map of Pakistan includes international, divisional, and district boundaries, as well as the location of water bodies, rivers, and other natural resources. It also includes the populated areas and shows transportation routes. It was developed under the supervision of Roy O. Jackson and N.M. Khan as part of the government’s mineral exploration and development program.
The geological mapping of Pakistan was developed with a detailed methodology that includes a high level of accuracy and detail. The geological maps were created using published and unpublished reports and converted to U.S. Geological Survey mapping format. This process required the use of an independent scientific agency, the Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP).
A new version of the Suleiman Area map was published in December 2011 based on digital maps created by the University of Texas. The new map is based on geological cross checks and validated against previous Colombo Plan Maps. This new map also includes separate maps for the Mari-Bugti area. The topographic detail is a key component of the surface geological map, and the map can help with hydrocarbon modeling in multiple hydrocarbon plays.
The study also looked at the spatial pattern of landslides. Using a variety of different mapping techniques, researchers determined the likelihood that a specific area would experience a landslide. Using the support vector machine and the random forest models, the researchers were able to predict landslide susceptibility. In addition, they used a stratified loop-based random sampling method to divide the data into training and validation groups.
Social indicators
Pakistan has a long way to go before it achieves its full social development potential. This is due to the fact that it has failed to address issues pertaining to human welfare, including poverty. While Pakistan’s economic growth rate has been respectable, social indicators remain below average when compared to other developing nations. The key reasons for this are problems common to all social sectors.
The government of Pakistan conducts national surveys to measure social indicators. These surveys include population and health statistics. Data on these indicators is available from the National Institute of Population Studies, the Population Council, and the Pakistan Medical and Research Council. The Department of Auditor General, for example, monitors the governance and procurement of public services. Several other departments regularly conduct surveys to gather data on public spending, including the SAP.
While Pakistan has experienced consistent growth over the past few decades, its social indicators rank among the lowest in the world. Its health indicators, such as life expectancy, are in terrible shape. One third of the population is undernourished, and twenty-four percent of its children are stunted. Moreover, Pakistan’s access to clean drinking water has declined. Only 20 percent of the population has access to safe drinking water.
The government has focused on the education sector to improve the quality, efficiency, and coverage of social services. Specifically, it has made changes in education and health care by involving the beneficiaries in these programs. In 1995, the government created school management committees in every province. The government provided funds to maintain and improve school facilities. In addition, education departments purchased classroom materials and minor repairs. The role of school management committees is to facilitate the educational process.
The SAPP introduced a new framework for social development and initiated institutional reforms in various social sectors. This led to a shift in the focus from expansion to consolidation and quality. It also paved the way for a more proactive approach to the planning process. The main policies of the SAP were to increase funding for basic social sectors, enhance community participation, strengthen public-private partnership, and address gender imbalances.
Income and consumption
The economic data on income and consumption in Pakistan indicate that aggregate consumption accounts for a large part of the country’s GDP. In fact, the decisions made regarding the consumption of goods and services determine a country’s savings rate. Different savings rates affect a country’s ability to invest in productive capacity, human capital, and socio-economic infrastructure. In this paper, we examine the macro level data on income and consumption in Pakistan to test two alternative theories: Keynes’ consumption function and the Robert Hall Random Walk Hypothesis.
In Pakistan, income and consumption growth are largely driven by the youth. The country ranks among the top countries in the world in terms of the number of 20-year-olds – an important age group for consumption growth. The economy has benefited from rising rural prosperity and an expansion in the agricultural sector over the past five years. As a result, the country has enjoyed bumper agricultural crops and high commodity prices. The government has also rolled out income-support programmes to help rural households.
While Pakistan’s economic growth is driven by consumption, it is starved for investment. This lack of investment leads to higher housing costs and lower savings. This has a knock-on effect on the economy. Income and consumption in Pakistan are linked to the availability of natural resources and how households use them. Whether they are consuming food or fuel, their consumption habits affect the country’s economy.
The study’s results point to some important policy actions that can improve nutrition in Pakistan. First, it’s important to increase income in order to combat food insecurity. Second, it is important to strengthen the social safety net programs and subsidization programs for food. Third, it’s important to reduce nutrient shortfalls and improve nutrient intake.
The federal government’s department of surveying and mapping is responsible for making surveys of land in Pakistan. Surveys are used to determine the boundaries of land, as well as physical features of land. They are also used as the basis for land administration. The Survey of Pakistan produces cadastral surveys and field surveys. The surveyors draw field maps, which mark the boundaries and position of every field. They also record the area of each field and its classification.
The Survey of Pakistan is responsible for compiling and maintaining all topographic maps. It also maintains data on district, division, and provincial boundaries. It also collects and maintains revenue records. The Department also creates and maintains a map of all the country’s land. In addition to topographic maps, the Survey of Pakistan also compiles data from other sources.
The Survey of Pakistan’s cadastral maps are used for land administration and taxation. It is not a good resource for other purposes such as utility mapping or civic empowerment. It is also difficult to understand, update, and integrate with other forms of spatial data. Therefore, cadastral maps are mostly used for taxation and land administration purposes.
The Sindh Province was mapped by Anis Ali Syed in 1981. This province in southeastern Pakistan stretches from Balochistan into India. It includes cities like Karachi, Hyderabad, and Sukkur. Roads and railroads are shown in red on the map, while canals, swamps, and ruins are marked in black.
In addition to delineating land boundaries, the Survey of Pakistan is also responsible for delineating international land borders. In order to carry out this work, the organization works with national mapping organizations and authorized agencies of neighboring countries. These organizations draw plans in accordance with a mutually agreed protocol.
Environmental issues
Improving the environment is crucial for the long-term development of any country. As Pakistan’s economy grows and standard of living increases, environmental issues must be addressed to ensure that development does not compromise the environment. These include air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion, and land degradation. The government and other stakeholders should consider putting forward policies that ensure that the development of the country does not negatively impact the environment.
Air pollution is a major environmental issue in Pakistan. Increasing energy consumption and the number of vehicles in the country have increased pollution levels. While the use of CNG, no-lead gasoline, and ultra-low sulfur diesel has reduced air pollution in the cities, the rising number of vehicles has resulted in deterioration of urban air quality. In Karachi, for instance, the level of air pollution is more than 20 times higher than WHO’s recommended limit.
As a result, Pakistan is facing a variety of environmental challenges and threats, including water pollution, soil erosion, and land pollution. The country is also facing non-traditional threats such as climate change, and has been ranked as one of the world’s ten most affected countries by climate change. These issues affect health, agriculture, and the economy. While carbon emissions are the leading cause of climate change, other factors such as deforestation and population growth are also contributing to the problem.
Water pollution affects Pakistan’s rivers and streams. Polluted water can be harmful for people who drink it, bathe in it, or cook with it. Water pollution can also affect crops and soil. Increasing numbers of people using toxic chemicals to grow crops and farmland have resulted in a significant amount of pollution in the country’s waters.