Love defined as concern for the welfare of another person. We act out of love when we help another person in some way. It can be both personal and abstract. It can be expressed through altruism or music. In addition, it can also be depersonalizing into a state of mind and a set of behaviors.
We humans are social animals
The term “social animal” often apply to Homo sapiens, and it is true to an extent. However, it is not as precise as the terms “cooperative animal” and “ultra-social animal.” These terms capture the evolutionary trajectory that has lead to the shared intentionality that we humans are capable of.
The need to form social bonds is a natural part of human nature. According to psychologists, we have an innate need to be part of a group, and most people strive to maintain social ties under most conditions. Social bonds help us survive in a group, and they are the foundation of human societies.
The outermost layer of the human brain is called the neocortex, and it is here where social behavior takes place. This layer is much larger in humans than in other primates, and it evolved specifically to enable our social capacities. But despite this advantage, humans are not the only animals to exhibit social behaviour.
We are concerned for the well-being of another person
Love is a feeling, a sentiment, an action, or an attachment that involves caring, affection, or self-sacrifice. The origin of love is in the Triune Godhead and the eternal relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As an image-bearer of God, we have the ability to love in unique ways. For example, we may love our dog, but the dog does not love us back.
We have a choice to be in love
When we are in love, we don’t just fall in love; we choose to stay in love. This is a distinct form of bravery – accepting someone completely and without waiting to see whether they’ll respond to you. In a relationship, love involves a lot of work and effort.
Love is not always convenient, and it can’t be rushed. We have to choose to love each and every day. Sometimes that means putting your own needs on the back burner in order to make someone else’s life easier. In a relationship, this means doing the little things that will make the other person feel appreciated.
It’s important to remember that love is not an either-or situation. Neither feeling nor choosing love is possible without choices. Without choices, love is like craving a chocolate brownie and not liking it. We have to make choices in order to get what we want. Feeling love without making choices is like craving a chocolate brownie but not liking chocolate.