Western Astrology is an astrological system that is mainly used in Western countries. It is historically based on Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, a continuation of Babylonian and Hellenistic traditions. This system also incorporates planetary time periods. However, it is not as widely used as Chinese or Indian astrology.
Zodiac signs
The Zodiac signs are constellations in the sky that have important significance to human life. They have their roots in Babylonian astrology, which says that the position of celestial bodies determines a person’s destiny and personality. In Western Astrology, the signs are represented by planets in the heavens.
According to Western astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs. Each of them represents a specific personality trait. There are different types of people born under each sign, and astrology can help you discover which one applies to you. To discover your Zodiac sign, all you need is your name and the date of your birth. You’ll receive a personalized result within seconds.
Aries is the first of the zodiac signs, and the sign most often associated with bold, passionate individuals. This is because they’re born leaders who can’t resist starting something new. As a result, they can be competitive and fierce. Aries is also the most ambitious of the zodiac signs, and it is no wonder that they have the energy and drive to succeed in life.
Chinese astrology uses the Chinese zodiac, and this is a very different system from Western astrology. In Chinese astrology, your animal sign is based on the time and date you were born. It’s much different than Western astrology in terms of how people experience life. There are twelve signs in the Chinese zodiac. The animals represented are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, and Dog.
The zodiac signs are also important because they reveal the characteristics of your personality. Your zodiac sign is often influenced by the constellation or occurrence that ruled your zodiac. It can also reflect your birthday symbol. Knowing your birthday symbol can help you interpret the symbols better.
Zodiac signs in Western Astrology are divided into three modalities. Cardinal signs are the oldest and are known for their innate self-initiative and leadership. They are characterized by a strong desire to change, and are often excellent communicators. Fixed signs, on the other hand, work hard to achieve solid goals. They are sometimes stubborn, but they have self-discipline and are respected for their hard work.
Predictions based on transits
In Western Astrology, predictions are based on transits of planets. While the transits themselves are simple indicators, the relationships and strengths of the planets in a person’s birth chart are also significant. For example, a transit of Saturn in January will have a very different effect than one made by transiting Venus in August.
Transits can indicate a positive or negative event in a person’s life. The transiting planets will have their own effect on each person depending on their natal chart. A transiting Moon and Jupiter will produce a harmonious period, but transiting Uranus and Mars will cause a volatile time, as malefic Mars and intense Uranus don’t mix well.
The most common time for a planet to transit a person’s birth chart is at the time of his or her solar return. The transiting planet is most influential during the solar return, which is the Sun’s journey across all 12 signs within one year. For example, when Saturn returns to the same sign he or she was born, a period of change will begin in that person’s life.
When making predictions based on planetary transits, people focus on 3 important planets in their birth chart. This helps to narrow down the prediction window. The planetary positions that are important to you at the time of birth will have the greatest impact on your life, and you should pay special attention to these planets when making predictions.
Western astrologers use a technique called progression. In this technique, each day of the birth chart is progressed by a degree. This way, a person’s birth chart can be calculated for every day after their original date of birth. This method is more accurate than the one used in eastern astrology, and it’s also more detailed.
While this method is not 100% accurate, many astrologers still use it. The progression method also takes into account the effect of planets in different signs. For instance, the Sun in Aries in the 4th house can influence the Sun in Libra in the 10th house. Another method used to make predictions is to look for conjunctions, where two planets are in close proximity to one another.
Planetary time periods
Modern Western Astrology associates planets with their time periods. For example, the Sun and Moon are considered diurnal, while Mercury is considered nocturnal. The term “planet” is also used for undiscovered planets. Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, the sign of wealth and the underworld. Pluto and its satellite, Charon, are unique pairs in the solar system and revolve in a dumbbell formation around a common point in space. They are thought to be in a power struggle for dominance over one another. Both Pluto and Charon take 248 years to orbit the sun.
In addition to the main time periods, there are also planetary sub-periods. The Moon is the most important planet in Western Astrology, but this is not the only time period to be aware of. The degree of the Moon at the time of your birth determines how long you will experience each planet’s time period. For example, if you are born in the middle of Jupiter’s time period, you will complete its entire time period. From there, you will move onto Saturn for nineteen years. Similarly, if you were born in the middle of Mercury’s time period, you would move onto Mercury for 17 years, and so on.
In Western Astrology, the planets represent the basic drives of our psyche. They influence different aspects in the sky and are associated with certain zodiac signs and houses. For example, Mars is associated with masculinity, while Aries rules the first house, which deals with the person’s strength and physical health. The house represents how one projects themselves to others. Likewise, the planetary relationships are linked to the basic forces of nature.
Vedic astrology and western astrology use two different systems of planetary time periods. In Vedic astrology, planets and the sun orbit each other. Vedic astrology uses a fixed zodiac, and the Western uses a tropical zodiac. The tropical zodiac, on the other hand, considers the earth as its center. The sun, therefore, circles the earth. When the sun is overhead, day and night are of equal length.
Vedic astrology uses the term “dasha” to denote a period of the planets. These periods are either good or bad and indicate the planets’ position in the chart, or the aspect between them. Vedic astrology has 32 different dasha systems. The most common is the Vishmotary Dasha.
Birth chart analysis
Birth chart analysis is a relatively straightforward process that anyone with a basic understanding of the subject can perform. It involves analyzing a person’s birth chart using the formula of Planet + Sign + House. It can provide an understanding of a person’s motivations, relationships, and psychic abilities.
This type of reading focuses on transits rather than the more complex divisional charts and time periods of other cultures. The most important transits are those of the outer planets. It is also popular to use the solar return, when the Sun travels through all 12 signs over a one-year period.
Western Astrology also uses four elements to determine a person’s personality and characteristics. Each element is associated with one or more zodiac signs. Each element governs the prevailing psychology of the sign. For example, signs governed by the Fire and Earth elements are impulsive, whereas those under the Air and Water elements are more rational and emotional.
Western astrology emphasizes character and free will, while Vedic astrology places a greater emphasis on mundane events. This system is more accurate and precise than western astrology, which relies on the planets. Vedic astrologers use the whole-sign house system. Therefore, a person born under the sign Gemini would have the first house in Gemini.
The difference between Vedic astrology and Western astrology lies in the way in which the birth chart is constructed. The Vedic chart looks more square than round. In addition, the planets appear to be aligned with the wrong constellations. Western astrology is far more complex than the Vedic method.
Recommended readings:
- Vedic Astrology
- Mundane Astrology
- How to Find My Zodiac Sign
- What is a Zodiac Sign?
- Horary Astrology and the Moon