Why Do I Sweat So Much? Sweating is a natural process, and it helps to cool the body. But, for people who sweat excessively, they find that they have beads of sweat on their skin and that their clothes become soaked. This can be embarrassing and make daily activities difficult. If you are prone to sweating excessively, there are several reasons that could be the cause.
First, you need to consider your health. If you sweat too much, you should see a doctor. Your doctor can help you find a treatment that will help you reduce your excessive sweating. Your doctor can perform tests to diagnose hyperhidrosis, including blood tests and urine tests. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe medications or injections.
Sometimes, medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid disease can trigger excessive sweating. Some antidepressants can also cause excessive sweating. It may also cause by certain types of cancers or infections, as well as certain types of heart disease and lung disease. Finally, certain illnesses such as menopause and stroke can cause excessive sweating.
Sweating is part of the body’s cooling system and helps keep the body temperature from becoming too hot. Exercise, hot weather, and spicy foods can cause a person to sweat excessively. Some people may also sweat excessively during stressful situations and fevers, though this usually stops very quickly. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 3 percent of adults experience excessive sweating. And it can interfere with all aspects of their lives.