Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? It’s not clear exactly why coffee makes you poop, but scientists have noticed a connection between coffee and bowel movements. Some scientists believe that caffeine causes bowel movements by stimulating the distal colon, which pushes waste out of the body more quickly. Others believe that caffeine boosts the bowel movements, but this relationship has not studied thoroughly.
There are several reasons why coffee may cause you to poop. One reason may be that it stimulates the central nervous system, which controls the heart and digestive tract. When this system stimulated, digestion affected, so you might experience abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. However, many scientists do not know the exact cause, so they continue to investigate the causes of the problem.
Although caffeine has some laxative effects, the effect isn’t universal. Some people may be more sensitive than others, and decaffeinated coffee will also have a laxative effect. Another reason coffee makes you poop is that it stimulates the production of gastrin, which stimulates the bowels. However, too much caffeine can dehydrate the body, which may contribute to constipation.
Why Does Coffee Make You Poop? People who have inflammatory bowel disease are also more likely to experience the coffee urge to poop. Some people may have celiac disease or other underlying gastrointestinal disorders. Intestinal disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are also more likely to experience post-coffee bowel symptoms. In addition, coffee may also stimulate the bowels in people who are lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant.