If you are suffering from dengue, your diet can make a huge difference in how quickly your body recovers. Several foods are highly beneficial for your immune system, including those that have antiviral properties. It is important to drink plenty of water and avoid eating fried or salicylate-laden foods. Other good choices include drinking coconut water and herbal tea.
Avoiding salicylates
One of the biggest challenges in Pakistan is the limited availability of appropriate healthcare facilities. There are only 0.6 beds per thousand population and health spending amounts to less than 0.75 percent of GDP. Despite the dire situation, efforts are underway to eradicate dengue fever through improved public awareness and effective treatment methods.
A case-control study was conducted in Rawalpindi district in Pakistan. The goal was to determine the risk factors for dengue infection in the city and determine what preventive measures might be appropriate for this area. One such prevention measure was to encourage students to wear full-length shirts to school. Furthermore, the school premises should be treated with mosquito repellents.
The study also evaluated physicians’ knowledge about dengue, its risk factors and management practices in major cities in Pakistan. Despite the burgeoning epidemic in Pakistan, doctors are largely unaware of the recommended treatment options. To counter this trend, awareness conferences and workshops must be organized in future. By conducting these events, physicians can help prevent the spread of dengue and help to reduce the proportion of patients infected with the disease.
Taking acetaminophen and other anti-inflammatory drugs can help treat dengue. However, they do not cure the virus, and doctors should consider the risk for the coinfection of dengue and COVID-19. Prevention includes vaccination against COVID-19, avoiding congested environments, inadequate ventilation, and prolonged social engagement.
While the dengue virus is widespread in Pakistan, its prevalence is not entirely predictable. In fact, dengue is a seasonal disease, with peak incidences in the post monsoon season. Recent flooding in the country has compounded the problem. According to the Sindh Dengue Surveillance Cell, there have been more than 1,800 suspected dengue cases, of which 881 have been confirmed. In the city of Islamabad alone, there have been 16 confirmed cases without any deaths. In the last year, there were 563 reported dengue cases in Pakistan.
Avoiding oily/fried food
Avoiding oily/fried foods during dengue recovery is a key step towards a speedy recovery. This is because oily/fried foods have been linked to higher blood pressure and can also lower the immune system. Besides, these foods can also damage the stomach wall and cause ulcers. These factors can make dengue recovery even more difficult.
When you’re trying to treat your dengue fever at home, you should be sure to consult a physician and follow all recommended diets carefully. The dengue symptoms can worsen without proper treatment, so it’s best to start early. However, you shouldn’t rule out home remedies, as long as you are getting professional medical attention immediately. It’s also important to remember that home remedies should be used as supplements.
Another step to take during dengue treatment in Pakistan is to limit your exposure to stagnant water. During the rains, puddles of water are a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Try to limit your exposure to these areas, and wear full clothing. If you can’t avoid a t-shirt or shorts, at least wear long pants.
Besides avoiding oily/fried foods, you should also drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. This will prevent you from becoming dehydrated and can also help prevent anemia. Eating plenty of protein and iron-rich foods will also boost your immune system. As a result, you’ll be better able to fight off the dengue infection. You should also make sure to drink at least 3 liters of water a day. And don’t forget to eat plenty of fruit juices and vegetables.
Taking herbal tea
Taking herbal tea for dengue treatment in the country has its own health benefits. It improves overall immunity and helps to improve platelet counts in blood. It is advisable to consult a health care provider before using herbal treatments. This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care.
Dengue is a highly contagious disease and is endemic in Pakistan. It is a serious problem, particularly during the monsoon season. In September 2022, there were 25 932 confirmed cases, and 62 deaths. More than half of all those cases occurred in September alone. The epidemic was largely due to unprecedented flooding that hit the country in mid-June 2022. It has caused a rise in waterborne diseases, and hospitals in Pakistani cities have reported a spike in cases of dengue fever. This disease is a result of mosquito breeding in stagnant water in flood-stricken areas. In Karachi alone, there were 1,066 dengue fever cases.
Taking fresh juices and herbal tea is an effective way to combat dengue fever. The fruit juices and herbs have high nutritional value, and the fluids they contain help the body fight off the illness. The fruit juices are also a good source of vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system. Moreover, they are rich in fibre and prevent gastrointestinal problems.
In Pakistan, the WHO has advised health care providers in endemic areas to take herbal tea for dengue treatment. Moreover, the training included vector control measures. Entomologists from universities and national programs, as well as researchers from other countries, conducted the training. The training also included community awareness campaigns.
Avoiding porridge
If you’ve recently been infected with dengue, you might be wondering whether it’s a good idea to avoid porridge while on dengue treatment in Pakistan. This savory grain is a quick digestible carbohydrate that’s not heavy on the stomach. It’s also a good option for people with lactose intolerance. But you should discuss your diet with a doctor.
Dengue is a severe disease that is endemic in Pakistan, with peaks and troughs occurring throughout the year. Last year, Pakistan was hit by one of its worst flooding events in history, which led to an increase of dengue cases by 80%. It’s important to note, however, that porridge is not the only source of infection.
While the symptoms of dengue fever can be uncomfortable, the main thing to remember is to drink plenty of water. This can help prevent dehydration and improve your immune system. You should also avoid greasy, fried and sweet foods. Instead, opt for fruits and vegetables that contain zinc and vitamins. These foods can help you fight dengue fever and help your body recover faster.
In Pakistan, the incidence of dengue is particularly high during the post monsoon season, and the recent flood has exacerbated the situation. The dengue surveillance cell in Sindh province, for example, has recorded 1,809 cases of suspected dengue and 881 confirmed cases as of 11 October 2010. There have been 16 confirmed dengue cases in Islamabad, but no fatalities. The Institution has also recorded 563 confirmed cases since January 2010, and the majority of those cases have had hemorrhagic symptoms. Patients with these symptoms are usually treated with primary care.