If you love reading Urdu novels, you should definitely try out the best ones that are available in the market. These books are written in a very creative and unique style. The characters in these books often compare to human beings who are vulnerable to the world around them. The best Urdu novels have a very interesting plot and you will be able to relate to them.
Naar is a contemporary Urdu novel by Sehar Sajid, one of the most popular writers of the genre. This novel was written in a romantic style and receives many accolades. While it is often categorize as a romance novel, it also tackles issues that are prevalent in modern-day India.
Naar deals with issues of gender, religion, and social conventions. It is a love story that follows the lives of two characters with different personalities. The main characters are Imama Hashim and Salar Sikandar. While they have different personalities and IQs, they are similar in many ways. Both characters are unhappy with their lives, but their destinies ultimately differ.
Another novel by Nimra Ahmed is Mushaf. In this story, a young woman discovers her true path and foregoes the comforts of modern life for a simple life. Meanwhile, a rich man who witnesses her living a simple life falls in love with her and must sacrifice his life to win her heart. This novel is a classic in the genre.
One of the best Urdu novels is Mushaf, also known as the Holy Quran. The story revolves around the life of a young girl named Muhmal Ibraheem. The novel explores the importance of the Holy Quran in a Muslim’s life, and it guides the reader toward virtue. This novel is available for free download and can be read online.
The heroine, Mehmal Ibraheem, is a young girl, dissatisfied with life. She has shiny, crystal-like eyes, and her brown hair is tie in a high ponytail. Her life is miserable in her father’s family, and she becomes easily angry. Her family members often act out in unkind ways, and she force to deal with them.
Mushaf is one of the best Urdish novels about love. It is an elegy for romantic love, and the characters in this novel are relatable to all kinds of people. This novel is a must read for lovers of literature in Urdu.
Umrao Jaan Ada
Umrao Jaan Ada, one of the most beautiful Urdu novels ever written. The story revolves around a dancer named Umrao who becomes a Tawa’if. The novel is a vivid portrayal of Lukhnow culture and has adapted into movies and television serials in both India and Pakistan.
Umrao Jaan Ada, written by a renown Urdu novelist, Ruswa, and it recounts the life story of a courtesan in nineteenth-century Lucknow. The story is set during the 1857 Indian Mutiny, an important turning point in Indian history. Ruswa individualized each of the characters in her novel.
This novel has won the hearts of readers worldwide. Umrao Jaan Ada, one of the most famous Urdu novels ever written, and its popularity is unparallel. The storyline is simple, but the characters are incredibly well-defined. It’s a unique story, and the narrator, Umrao, tells it in an uncontrived way.
Dayar-e-Dil is one of the most famous Urdu novels. It is a social story, which is based on love and sacrifice. It has been widely read by both male and female readers. Dayar-e-Dil portrays the different colors of life and the need for love, sacrifice, and relationships.
Dayar-e-Dil is a long novel and is based on Pakistani society. It is both a romantic and social story but seems more romantic in nature. It is written by Farhat Ishtiaq, famous Urdu novel writer.
Dayar-e-Dil publish in the Shuaa Digest and became very popular all over the country. It was made into a TV serial of the same name and won numerous awards. It is now available online and in pdf format for offline reading. You can read it for educational and research purposes, or for fun.
Pir-E-Kamil is a true story based on the life of a Muslim woman. It is a socio-romantic novel with religious overtones. The reader will feel the hardships and challenges faced by the characters. It will inspire the reader to change his life for the sake of Allah. The book will also refresh the reader’s Eman.
Pir-e-Kamil, a novel written in Urdu by Pakistani writer Umera Ahmed. It first published in 2003 in Shuaa Digest and was later translates into English. This novel has a beautiful plot and highly recommend for readers of the Urdu language.
Umera Ahmed is one of the most popular and successful contemporary Urdu authors. She is best known for her religious novels, but she can also mould a heart with her pen. Pir-E-Kamil is her best-selling novel.
Bano Qudsia
One of the greatest names in Urdu literature is Bano Qudsia, a writer who is well-known for writing a variety of classical novels. She graduated from GCU Lahore and completed her master’s degree in Urdu at the same university. Bano Qudsia has achieved great fame, both nationally and internationally, for her literary works. In fact, many of her works have been translate into English.
Bano Qudsia has written several short stories and novels. Her novel Amarbail is a collection of stories, all of which deal with unbalanced relationships, broken families, insecurities, and lust for power. Her short story “Kitne So Sal” explores the universal nature of love and human behavior. She has also written a biography of Qudratullah Sahib, titled Mard e Abresham. And her latest novel, Rah e Rawan, is her finest work.
Bano Qudsia is a Pakistani novelist, playwright, and spiritualist. Born in Ferozpur, India, she migrated to Lahore with her family after the partition. She began writing short stories when she was in class five. She later attended Kinnaird College in Lahore and earned her master’s degree in Urdu literature. Bano Qudsia married to Ashfaq Ahmed, who was also a famous writer. She credits her marriage with transforming her into the writer she is today.
Fiza Adil has proved herself as an excellent writer and has produced a lot of serialized stories and novels in the recent past. One of the best of these is Zabt-e-Gham, a novel about love and social issues. The characters in the novel portray as flawed, which makes them even more relatable. Another of her works, Bay Rang Piya, is a romantic Urdu novel, which is about the pains and pleasures of love.
Zabt-e-Gham is an excellent social novel, written in the style of romantic novels. It depicts a moral tale of a woman’s life and the sacrifices she makes for her children. The novel is by an emerging Urdu novelist, Fiza Adil, and she shows a great command of language and plot.
Another of the best Urdu novels is Zabt-e-Gham. It is a saga that spans ten years. The protagonist, Paskal, suffers from cerebral palsy, a rare disease that has rendered him disabled. But he eventually finds a way back to a normal life, thanks to the help of Pakistani tourist Sunan.