If you’re looking for Crush Stone Bajri Suppliers, you’ve come to the right place. You can find crushed stone from Sargodha or Margalla. Here, you’ll learn how to find a good supplier of crushed stone in Pakistan.
Yousaf Carriage is a Crush Stone Bajri supplier in Pakistan
The government of Punjab has stepped up its efforts to stop the illegal stone crushing business in the Margalla Hills. The provincial government has identified 64 stone crushers that are operating within the buffer zone of the Margalla Hills, which has been declared a national park by the federal government. Although the administration in Islamabad has halted stone crushing activities in areas under its administrative control, some stone crushers continue to operate illegally in Rawalpindi district.
Stone crushing produces a significant amount of dust, which affects the local environment and human health. It also increases the risk of land erosion by removing vegetation. Studies have shown that particulate emissions from stone-crushing activities are between 33 and 40 times higher than standards for the environment. These emissions also damage natural habitats and destroy the biodiversity of the Margalla Hills.
A major use of crush stone is in construction. This material is often used for road base, driveway base, and fill material. It can also be used as a sub-base for paver patios. Crushed stone has a high level of compaction, making it ideal for areas with heavy traffic. The best part is that this crushed stone is available in large quantities, which means you can buy it at wholesale prices.
In addition to being used for construction projects, crush is a major component of concrete mixtures. Unless the crushed stone is produced by a certified laboratory, it will not be able to pass quality checks during construction. Because of this, it is crucial to purchase your crush from reputable agents. If you are in central Punjab, Sargodha crush is an excellent choice. Crush can be purchased in three grades.
Yousaf Carriage is a Crush stone supplier in Taxila Pakistan. The company has office in Taxila and Margalla Valley. Their products are widely used in construction applications including walkways, driveways, decorative applications, concrete, drainage, and asphalt. The crushed stone is lab tested and certified.
Contact: Muhammad Saboor Yousaf
Sargodha crush
When it comes to crushing stone, you may want to find a supplier in Sargodha. If you need crushed stone for your construction project, you can find one in this region in Pakistan. You can also find a supplier with a 100% Money Back Guarantee if you get a sub-standard product.
Crushed stone is an important part of construction projects. For a typical 5 Marla house, you will need around 900 cubic feet of crushed stone. The cost of crushed stone in Pakistan is around 98 PKR per cubic foot. Similarly, for flooring, you will need about 600 cubic meters of Sargodha crush stone.
There are many types of crushed stone, but limestone is the most popular type. Crushed stone can be made from traprock, limestone, granite, and quartzite. Other types of crushed stone include volcanic cinder, marble, and slate. Crushed stone is widely available in Pakistan and is often used for construction projects. For example, it is used in bridge constructions. In addition to being a widely used material, Sargodha crush is also cheap when compared to margalla crush.