Google Earth is a computer program that allows you to view the Earth from different angles. The program combines satellite imagery with aerial photography and GIS data to create a 3D representation of the planet. You can also use the program to see the entire planet from space, or you can zoom in on a specific region of the globe.
Open-source Google Earth Enterprise
Google Earth Enterprise is a geospatial software that lets users create custom maps and visualizations. It is available for use in many industries, including government, education, and business.
In March 2017, Google announced plans to open-source Google Earth Enterprise. This will allow developers to build applications using the data. The decision follows similar work by other software companies.
Google Earth Enterprise was previously only available to paying customers. However, the company stopped selling it in late 2013. Today, all major components of the program are being open sourced.
GEE allows users to create flyable 3D globes and integrate other maps and imagery. The application fuses vector and terrain data to create a dynamic map. These capabilities allow organizations to secure and publish maps and other data securely.
GEE has used by thousands of businesses and government agencies. For example, military organizations are mapping logistical supply routes. Government agencies also use GEE to map field operations positions. Besides these, there are many organizations in the world who use the program.
GEE has over 470,000 lines of code, and Google announced that it will release the source code of GEE Server and GEE Fusion. The source code will be available on GitHub under an Apache 2 license.
Google will also publish instructions for running the software on its public cloud. This will help third-party developers build viewers.
Google Earth Enterprise originally designed for enterprise-scale businesses. With the launch of Google Cloud Platform, it’s hoped the program will be able to support larger workloads and accelerate processing.
Google Earth Enterprise also provides an offline experience. It built on a global data archive and offers over 70 petabytes of analysis-ready geospatial data.
Regional coverage of high-resolution images
High resolution images no longer limited to a few select locations like Antarctica. Thanks to new technologies and commercial satellite imagery archives, high-resolution aerial imagery is now available to a much wider audience. Those looking for an awe-inspiring view of the world can now get a bird’s eye view of the great expanses of the world with minimal fuss and muss. In fact, Google Earth offers an impressive collection of images, which can browse by region, city, or zip code. For the high-rollers, Google has also launched Google Earth Pro, which features a range of features like high-resolution image saving and editing, integrated GPS data, and the ability to import and export shapefiles. The latter is particularly useful for those looking to resell or repurpose satellite images.
While Google Earth is the queen of the pack, there are several equally impressive alternatives. Some of these are free, while others require a license. Besides Google, you’ll also find satellite imagery available from the likes of GeoEye, ImageSat International, and the like. Other notable commercial high-resolution satellite image repositories include the Earth Science Consortium and the NASA/NOAA Space Telescope Imaging Receiving Unit. So, what’s the best way to get the most out of your satellite viewing session? Read on to learn about the various options.
It’s hard to argue with the name of the sexiest high-resolution image on the planet, but to make the most of your viewing experience, you’ll need to know how to navigate the map or satellite in the first place. One of the easiest ways to do this is to use a commercial satellite imagery database, such as the Earth Science Consortium, which is an official partner of Google Earth.
Political representations
A great deal has written about the use of online maps for facilitating communication and establishing new forms of spatial and economic terriorialisation. But what are the implications of these new tools of social and economic inclusion? This article addresses this question by exploring the latest Google Earth and Google Maps.
The article aims to understand the digital mapping of informal settlements. While these technologies have received a lot of attention, they have also received a bad rap. Especially in the US, where the benefits of these technological advances have yet to fully realised.
The most important aspect of these systems is the way they can use to support social and economic inclusion. For example, the use of maps to monitor and document tribal properties for illegal gold mining is a key tool for this purpose. However, this tool can only be truly effective in a densely populated urban environment.
One interesting aspect of this new technology is its ability to engage users as embodied interactors. It is in this role that it is likely to have incorporated values relating to subordination and territorial control.
Other aspects of the new technology that are worthy of mention are the ability to produce and distribute large quantities of data. By incorporating social networks, Google Earth able to engage users in a whole new set of mapping activities.
It is not a stretch to suggest that the most important implication of these technological improvements is that they have enabled an acceleration of processes that have been in place for decades. These include the commodification of information and the reshaping of relationships between citizens, private industries, and the state.
Pixelization in Google Earth and Google Maps
There are a few reasons why some images in Google Earth and Google Maps look fuzzy. Some of them are due to a slow internet connection. Others intentionally blurred. Regardless, there are ways to get clean images.
One simple way is to turn off the 3-D terrain. Another way is to use a KML file with a narrow field of view. This is useful when you want to see a city in a small space.
For instance, on the new map, the highway tans stand out more than they did on the old map. However, the area south of Kathara Bay hides two monasteries.
Using a different map source, such as Bing Maps or HERE WeGo, can also help you locate blurred areas. On these services, a blackened area means that the imagery intentionally blurred.
In contrast, the United States Capitol pixelated when it first appeared on Google Earth in 2001. The image used for the White House censored by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Other locations, such as Ben Gurion Airport, appear blurry on the Google Maps and Google Earth. It is possible to see military hangars next to the civilian airport.
When using images that have a higher resolution, you might not get as much detail. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the world is blurry.
In addition, some images in Street View mode may intentionally blurred. A better method to get a cleaner picture is to turn off the map options.
Google Earth uses a mosaicking algorithm. This method examines each pixel of imagery and averages the color value over time. Once a new set of cloudless photos is available, Google incorporates them into its image database.
Limitations of Google Earth Pro desktop version
Having a desktop version of Google Earth means you’ll be able to view satellite imagery and geospatial data. It also lets you do things like pan, zoom, rotate, and search for locations. However, this isn’t the only way to get your hands on this powerful software.
While Google Earth is impressive for the number of features it offers, you can get similar benefits from a browser-based service. The browser-based version is a little easier to use and may be more suitable for some. For example, you can find out where you are with the Voyager feature, and there are plenty of educational and useful features in the KML format.
Getting the most out of the web-based version of Google Earth is easy. You can explore places, create, and share your own tours, and even print high-resolution images. But you can’t build a project, like you can with the desktop version.
Using the desktop version of Google Earth may be a little more cumbersome. Although you can get the most accurate images and most detailed terrain maps, you can’t import overlay images from other websites or make your own custom icons.
If you’re interested in the most comprehensive, sophisticated, and powerful mapping tool, you’ll want to look at Google Earth Pro. Not only does this program offer all the functionality of the free version, it comes with a few extras. These include the ability to import ESRI shapefiles, save and edit map tiles, view HD movies, and more.
This is an excellent product for a wide range of applications, including educating students and business professionals. If you’re considering purchasing this software, be sure to do your homework.