Character is a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is the visible token of distinction between things. It may be round or static. Depending on the story, a character may be the protagonist, antagonist, or something else entirely. In other words, a character is a person or thing with its own unique personality.
Character is a pattern of thoughts, acts, and feelings
During childhood and adolescence, an individual’s character emerges, and it begins to form. Character is not as stable as temperament, and it goes through different stages. While it takes its most defined form during this time, it can be changed by social education. The term “personality” is often used interchangeably with “character”, but they are separate entities.
It is the visible token by which a thing is distinguished from every other thing
Character is the visible token by which a person or thing is distinguished from other things. This distinguishing token can have a number of different functions. For example, it can control the sounds and graphics emitted by a thing, as well as the appearance of the thing itself. It may even have an aura or light.
It can be round or static
There are two types of characters in a story: static and round. If you want your character to have movement, he or she should be round. A static character has more energy, but a round character is more logical. These two types of characters are different but have the same basic characteristics.
Unlike static characters, dynamic characters change during the story. Unlike static characters, dynamic characters have an arc. They change by the end of the story. A hero battling dragons in a story might be a dynamic character. A hero who goes on a journey into a dragon’s lair is an example of a dynamic character.
Round characters undergo a life-changing transformation and develop a more complex personality over time. It’s crucial to write a character’s history so readers know how they’ll react to different situations. Most stories have a central conflict, and round characters will change as a result of it.
Round characters are common in a story, and they are essential for engaging readers. They mimic real people, but are deeply layered, multifaceted, and unpredictable. They are also more realistic and human. Ultimately, they make readers feel like they’re actually people. If a round character doesn’t fit any of these characteristics, they won’t be believable.
Round characters are more realistic than static characters. They are more complex and believable, and can surprise the audience without losing credibility. While round characters change their minds and behaviors, static characters are more one-dimensional. They’re usually derived from stereotypes.
It can be dynamic or static
A static character is defined as one that does not change much from one moment to the next. This is different than a dynamic character, who undergoes changes within and outside of the story. A dynamic character undergoes an internal change and may learn a lesson, develop a new insight into their world, or have a shift in value system.
A static character is a character who does not change from the beginning of the story to the end. They do contribute to the plot and are often secondary characters. They do not have to be stereotypes, but they can be effective foils for dynamic characters. They can also be interesting if they provide a contrast to the protagonist.
A dynamic character undergoes internal changes and can be either good or bad. Ultimately, it is up to the writer to decide whether a character is dynamic or static. Typically, dynamic characters undergo significant internal changes, although some changes are subtle. This is especially true when the character is important to the theme or plot. For example, the character Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird starts out as self-centered and lacking in empathy, but grows over the course of the story.
Static characters remain the same. Unlike dynamic characters, static characters do not experience major character changes. Static characters have no major transformations in their personalities or actions over the course of a story. However, dynamic characters undergo a change of perspective and undergo dramatic changes.
It can be two-dimensional
In a story, characters can be two-dimensional or one-dimensional. One-dimensional characters are not as fleshed out as their multidimensional counterparts, and their actions don’t add any depth to their personalities or the plot. Similarly, two-dimensional characters lack the depth and personality to make them relatable to the audience.
The design of a character can convey change, whether it is through nuanced shape language or thoughtful eyes. A character can even tell a story through clothing or appearance alone, and a good actor can steal a cameo role by demonstrating all three dimensions. While the design of a character is essential, it shouldn’t distract from their role in the story.
One of the main reasons for creating complex and multidimensional characters is the desire to keep them interesting. A character’s dimensionality increases when he or she possesses a contradiction. For example, a character can be incredibly loving and vengeful at the same time, or an aspiring artist can have a ruthless streak.
A three-dimensional character, on the other hand, is one that has a complex personality, multiple quirks, and a history. A three-dimensional character has flaws and failures, and strives to relate to others. To create an engaging and realistic character, writers must take time to develop each of them.