Skimming is a type of fraud in which an employee illegally subtracts cash from the company they work for. The theft occurs through unrecorded cash sales and is difficult to detect. It is particularly difficult to detect in services companies because the source of the cash subtracted is often hidden behind a missing item. In some cases, skimming may also involve credit card information theft.
Skimming is a form of defalcation that involves the illegal appropriation of business cash receipts. It typically occurs in small businesses where the owner is the cashier. The practice is designed to avoid paying taxes on cash sales by failing to record cash transactions at the company’s accounting department. Although individual skimmers may not make a large amount of money, their actions can add up to substantial losses for the business.
In a college or university setting, students often skim class notes or textbook chapters before exams. This strategy helps them retain information faster and is very useful in situations where high levels of comprehension are not required. Skimmers should aim to quickly grasp the main idea or outline, major supporting details, and organizational pattern. This technique is also known as preview skimming or overview skimming.
To be effective, a skimmer must have a large enough air/water interface. It must also allow for organic molecules to collect and form bubbles. During the process, the bubbles must partially drain without prematurely popping. Then, the drained foam must be separated from the bulk water. Anything that impacts the efficiency of skimming must affect one or more of these factors.
Using a skimmer to remove algae and bacteria from a seawater aquarium has a variety of benefits. It can lower aquarium nitrate and phosphate levels. It can also lower ammonia levels in the aquarium. Some microorganisms are partially hydrophobic and can be skimmed if they are coated with organics.
Skimming is a process of removing solid waste by separating organics from water. Organics are suspended in water and form bubbles, which the skimmers use to separate them. The process works best when the air/water interface is large enough to accommodate the organic molecules. Then, the bubbles collect together and form foam. The foam can then be separated from the bulk water. Anything that affects these factors will affect skimming efficiency.
Some types of text lend themselves better to skimming than others. While short stories, novels, and poetry are often difficult to skim, non-fiction texts, textbooks, and journal articles have many features that make them more easily skimmed. While not as effective as full-length reading, skimming is a useful tool when reading a lot of information fast. Skimming is also a helpful method for writers who don’t have the time to read every word.
Another ongoing threat is digital skimming, or “Magecart.” These groups operate in the dark web and e-commerce market and aim to steal low-hanging credit card data and personally identifiable information. They often sell this information on dark-web and deep-web markets. These cybercriminals are the new face of modern e-commerce cybercrime.
Credit card skimming is a real threat to your financial security. You should never give out sensitive information to strangers, and always use two-factor authentication or verify phone numbers before giving out your sensitive information. It is easy to install skimming devices and they are very hard to detect.
Oil droplets
Skimming oil droplets requires the use of a machine that uses specific gravity to separate oil from wastewater. It works by breaking the hydrogen bonds in the oil and water molecules. This causes oil droplets to rise and separate from water molecules on either side. This process is also effective at removing amphipathic solids such as air and foam, and it can prevent oil spills.
Oil dispersants can also be applied from small planes or helicopters. These dispersants are chemicals that break down oil into smaller droplets, which mix better with water. However, this does not reduce the amount of oil that enters the environment. Instead, it pushes the effects of the spill underwater, making it less visible to the public. The resulting oil pollution is harmful to animals and marine life.
Topic sentences
Skimming a text effectively means knowing how to identify the topic sentences in a paragraph. The main idea in a paragraph is introduced in the topic sentence, which may not always be the first sentence. Subsequent sentences, called supporting sentences, add evidence and examples to support the main idea.
When reading a text, focus on the main ideas, as well as the titles, subtitles, and first and last sentences in each paragraph. Try to avoid skimming the last paragraphs, as they often contain a conclusion or summary. In a longer text, read the last paragraph thoroughly.
The topic sentence is a declarative sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph. It indicates what the writer wants to say in the paragraph. When reading a short passage, the topic sentence should be at the beginning or the end of a paragraph. The topic sentence will make the reader more likely to read the rest of the text.
When skimming a text, it is useful to underline the topic sentences. This way, readers can easily find the information they’re seeking without having to read the entire paragraph.
Skimming is a technique of identifying the main ideas and information of a page or article. It can save you time and effort when you read. It can also be helpful for learning something from a video. In addition, you can use the skill to quickly read the important information in a book without consuming too much time.
While skimming is more precise than scanning, it allows you to quickly move through large amounts of material. It can cover up to 1,500 words per minute. However, to scan an entire text, large chunks of information must be skipped. By skimming, you will be able to focus on important parts and avoid the details.
Besides reading the main ideas, skimming also allows you to gain a broader range of knowledge. Though you won’t master one subject, you will become familiar with many. The best thing about skimming is that you don’t miss out on much. Web-designers are aware of this, and many websites have been designed to encourage skimming.
Another way to increase your speed of reading is to try incremental reading. This method allows you to read a paragraph at a time, skimming less-important parts of the document. This way, you can schedule a later reading to review the material in detail.