A thermometer uses mercury as its liquid instead of dyed alcohol because mercury is more stable and doesn’t have the same health risks as dyed alcohol. Before health hazards were discovered, mercury thermometers were widely used. Mercury’s wide temperature range, constant coefficient of thermal expansion, and high thermal conductivity made it a popular choice. However, today, mercury thermometers are generally banned because of the health risks.
It expands or contracts proportionally to heat
A thermometer uses mercury to measure the temperature of a liquid. When mercury reaches a higher temperature, it expands and pushes up the thin tube, measuring the temperature. This property allows thermometers to be calibrated to certain temperatures, heights, and volumes. For example, the volume of mercury at 0degC is 2.4cm. It is the same volume at 100degC, based on the coefficient of volume expansion of mercury.
In a thermometer, mercury is placed in a long, narrow glass tube, which is sealed. As the temperature increases, the mercury expands, rising faster than the glass capillary. As a result, mercury thermometers are calibrated by measuring mercury at its freezing and boiling points, and then dividing this reading into equal increments.
The mercury meniscus in a mercury-in-glass thermometer drops in level when the bulb plunges into boiling water. This occurs because mercury absorbs heat and then conducts it into the glass tube. A similar method of balancing columns in a U-tube can be used to calculate the true coefficient of expansion.
Mercury, like many other metals, expands or contracts proportionally to temperature. Its coefficient of expansion is 23 x 10-6 per degree Celsius, about 24 times greater than that of iron. Aluminum, on the other hand, has a coefficient of expansion of 2.4, which is about double that of iron.
It has a wide temperature range
Mercury thermometers measure temperatures in the range of -37degC to 356degC. They can be extended to a much higher range by adding an inert gas, such as nitrogen. Adding this gas increases the pressure on the liquid mercury, which in turn increases the boiling point. Some thermometers also use Pyrex glass instead of mercury, enabling them to measure temperatures up to 800degC.
Mercury is a good thermometer material. Because of its high thermal conductivity and natural reflectivity, it allows the device to reach the desired temperature more quickly than other thermometer materials. Another characteristic of mercury is wetting, which refers to how water or mercury sticks to a solid. Mercury is much less likely to wet than glass, which means the thermometer will be accurate more quickly.
Another advantage of mercury thermometers is that they are safe and easy to dispose of. A mercury thermometer can be easily replaced without any special care. Many thermometers today are made from digital thermometry technologies, which are more versatile and have a greater temperature range than mercury-in-glass thermometers. In addition, digital thermometers are faster at equilibration and can be used in a wide variety of settings.
However, mercury is an environmental concern. It is difficult to ship mercury, and it is expensive if it spills. Many jurisdictions have stricter mercury regulations, which vary depending on the type of thermometers in use. Fortunately, most professional groups have recognized the problems associated with mercury thermometers and have begun to incorporate non-mercure thermometers into testing procedures.
It is more versatile than digital thermometers
Digital thermometers have a few advantages over mercury thermometers. They’re more accurate and give faster readings. In addition, many models feature thermocouple sensors on the probe, which eliminate the need for thermometer calibration. Thermometer calibration involves measuring the thermometer’s accuracy and recalibrating it if it’s not reading properly. The process involves immersing the thermometer in a hot or cold bath to ensure that it’s readings are accurate and consistent.
However, digital thermometers are more expensive than mercury thermometers. Mercury thermometers have a wide range of temperature measurements, and are less accurate than digital thermometers. Although laboratory tests have found no difference in average accuracy, clinical studies have found that mercury thermometers produce greater fluctuations in readings. In one study, nine to 23 percent of mercury thermometers failed to produce accurate results.
A mercury thermometer is generally made of glass and contains a mercury probe. This probe is very delicate and can break easily. When it breaks, mercury can contaminate the surrounding area and the human body. Because of the health hazards associated with mercury, thermometers made of mercury are banned in most countries.
Digital thermometers have similar performance and physical characteristics as mercury thermometers, but are mercury-free. Digital thermometers also offer the advantage of battery operation, wireless capabilities, and solar power. However, mercury thermometers are still superior to digital thermometers in many ways. They also have a greater effective temperature range and faster equilibration time.
Mercury thermometers are more accurate than digital thermometers. They can also give more accurate readings, thanks to their ability to read the temperature of seawater. In the laboratory, mercury thermometers consistently measure temperatures within +-0.01K.
It is less toxic than light bulbs
There are several risks associated with the use of mercury light bulbs. While the mercury content in fluorescent bulbs is much lower than in traditional light bulbs, they still pose a threat to public health. They often break during disposal, releasing high levels of mercury into trucks, containers, and landfills. Eventually, this mercury contaminates lakes, rivers, and the oceans. This pollution is especially dangerous for young children and infants.
When cleaning up mercury, use rags that are damp and absorb the mercury vapor. If you cannot clean up the mercury spill yourself, purchase a plastic bag and tie it closed. You should also wash your hands after cleaning, and leave the area well ventilated for several hours. If you find a broken CFL, make sure to dispose of it properly, as it may contain toxic mercury.
Mercury is considered a heavy metal, and while it has no biological function, it is incredibly toxic. It affects the central nervous system, reproductive organs, immune system, and digestive system. The chemical element is present in nature in all kinds of forms, and human exposure is primarily via eating fish and marine mammals.
Fluorescent light bulbs contain traces of mercury, so it’s important to change your lighting sources. The United States can prevent up to 16,000 pounds of mercury from being sold in light bulbs in the country by 2050 if all fluorescent light bulbs are replaced with LED light bulbs. The switch to LED light bulbs is beneficial for the environment and for human health. Besides, LED bulbs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and they cost much less to buy.
Mercury-containing light bulbs have low levels of mercury when compared to traditional incandescent light bulbs. Moreover, they help reduce energy usage.
It is easier to handle
A mercury thermometer has a low degree of accuracy but is cheaper and easier to handle. The mercury is contained in tiny beads that can be swept up with a brush or paper. These can be tipped into a collection container like a plastic bag or a preserving jar. Mercury is not a flammable substance and will not adhere to the bristles of a brush, so you can handle it safely and easily.
A mercury thermometer has a glass tube with a bulb that contains liquid mercury. There are calibrated markers on the glass tube. Most of the mercury is contained in the bulb. A small bore increases the size of the mercury, which makes it sensitive to temperature changes. The space above the mercury is usually filled with inert gases. This allows the mercury thermometer to be left in an evacuated state.
A mercury thermometer is used to measure body temperature. The bulb of the thermometer should be sterilized and disinfected before use. A mercury thermometer should be held under the tongue or in an armpit. The measurement takes about five minutes. This time period will allow the mercury filling to expand. It is also important to maintain a stable position when handling mercury thermometers.
A mercury thermometer contains mercury, which must be carefully handled, as it can cause damage to organs and nerves. If handled incorrectly, it can even be fatal. Because of this, mercury thermometers should be handled with great care and should not be broken.