If you are searching for Margalla Crushed Stone Bajris Suppliers, there are several suppliers that you can contact to narrow down the search. Here are some examples of these suppliers. You can use any or all of them to find the best supplier. Once you find the right supplier, you can start building your project.
Margalla Crushed Stone Bajri Suppliers
If you are looking for crushed stone, you should know about the famous Margalla Hills. These hills are located on the Northside of Islamabad, Pakistan, and they cover an area of 12605 hectares. The crush from the hills is known all over Pakistan. There are various suppliers of this crushed stone in Pakistan, but one of the best ones is Yousaf Carriage. The company has been supplying this crushed stone to different organizations throughout Pakistan for many years.
Contact: Muhammad Saboor Yousaf: 0312-9041417 0300 -8597404