The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) is a postgraduate research institute and public policy think tank in Pakistan. It is located near Islamabad. Its aim is to improve Pakistan’s economy through research, analysis, and policy making. It offers a variety of Master’s and PhD programmes in economics, finance, and development policy. It is accredited by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) is a postgraduate research and public policy think tank located near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. Its mission is to understand the world and develop sustainable policies to address global challenges. This is done by conducting research, teaching, and consulting on issues of development and economic policy.
The Institute’s founders include Nobel Laureate Gunner Myrdal, E. A. G. Robinson, and Hollis B. Chenery. The International Advisory Board includes ten renowned economists. The PIDE also grants doctoral and post-graduate study programs in the social sciences.
This higher education institution is relatively small, with a student enrollment of approximately 500 on average. It welcomes both citizens and foreign students. Its faculty comprises 199 academic specialists. Its facilities include its own library and dormitories on and off campus. International exchange programs are also available. In addition, the Institute offers scholarships to outstanding students.
PIDE is partially funded by the Government of Pakistan and the earnings from its endowment. It has received generous patronage since its founding in the late 1950s, including from H.R.H. the Aga Khan III, whose seed money facilitated the establishment of the Institute. Funds from other organizations, including the Ford Foundation, have also contributed to the Institute’s development. It has also received financial support from United Bank Limited, the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan, and the Investment Corporation of Pakistan.
The Institute has worked with other research institutions in the past, including the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations. It has also collaborated with the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Population Fund. Its research and publication activities have yielded a series of studies on Pakistan’s population and development. Its publications have been indexed by several national and international reference works.
Programmes offered
The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE) offers a range of master’s and PhD programmes in the social sciences, with a particular focus on development economics. Founded in 1956, the Institute has received generous patronage from international institutions, philanthropists, and private organizations. Its first endowment grant came from the Aga Khan Foundation in the late 1950s, and since then, it has received funding from USAID, the Ford Foundation, and other foundations. It also has been supported by the United Bank Limited, the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan, and the Investment Corporation of Pakistan.
The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics’s admission process varies depending on the area of study, degree level, and country of residence. Applicants are encouraged to contact the institute for details of admission, scholarship, and financial assistance opportunities. Programmes offered by the institute include MBA, MPHIL, PHD, and MCS.
PIDE has three main divisions: Research, Publications, and Training. The Human Resource Development Division is headed by a Registrar, and the Research and Publications Division is led by the Chief of Research. There are also Senior Research Economists and Staff Economists, and equivalent posts in the other areas of study. The PIDE also maintains strong links with other educational institutes in Pakistan, which contributes to its research and development activities.
The admission criteria are flexible and include students from all backgrounds and creeds. It also accepts students with foreign nationality. Admissions are based on merit and are subject to approval by the Senate.
The Faculty of Pakistan Institute of Development Economics is a leading institution in Pakistan that focuses on research in development economics. The institute is committed to conducting theoretical and empirical research in the field. Its focus is on Pakistan-related economic issues and provides an academic foundation for economic policy-making. It also serves as a window on economic research in the country.
The Institute is partially funded by the government of Pakistan and its earnings from an endowment. The Institute has long enjoyed generous patronage. In the late 1950s, the Institute received seed funding from H.R.H. the Aga Khan III. Other donors have included the Ford Foundation. In 1979, USAID provided a substantial endowment grant. In addition, the United Bank Limited, Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan, and Investment Corporation of Pakistan have provided financial support to the institute.
The Institute was established in 1957. The Institute is the premier social science research institute in Pakistan. Since its founding, it has grown from an independent research organization to a degree awarding institution. Currently, the Institute offers a Ph.D in economics, M. Phil in development economics, MS in economics, and a Ph. Sc. in development economics. Admission is open to both Pakistani and foreign students. The university also offers scholarships to outstanding students.
The Institute offers a wide range of courses in economic planning and management. These courses are designed to help development practitioners in government, semi-government, and autonomous development organisations improve their operational skills. The curriculum covers various sectors of the economy, including agriculture, livestock, water, education, and economic development.
The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics is a public policy think tank and post-graduate research institute located near Islamabad, Pakistan. The institute is devoted to improving the welfare of developing countries. This think tank provides research and policy advice to governments. The institute also offers courses in public policy. To learn more about the institute, please visit its website.
The PIDE holds regular seminars, aimed at stimulating intellectual thought in the field of development economics. These seminars are open to policymakers, researchers, educators, and practitioners. The seminars cover a wide range of topics. They are open to anyone who is interested in the social sciences and development economics.
PIDE is supported by a government endowment and by private donations. Since its inception in the late 1950s, the Institute has enjoyed generous patronage. The seed money for its founding was donated by H.R.H. The Aga Khan III, and since then, it has received funding from the Ford Foundation and USAID. In addition, United Bank Limited, the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan, and the Investment Corporation of Pakistan have all contributed financial resources.
The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics is one of the premier higher education institutes in Pakistan. Founded in 1957, the institute was granted autonomy in 1964 and now offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in development economics. Its mission is to provide the academic basis for the development of Pakistan’s economy, and to serve as a window for economic research in Pakistan. In addition to PhD programs, the institute offers four strong postgraduate programs in economics.
The institute is part of the South Asia Network of Economic Institutes (SANEI). Its headquarters was formerly housed at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, but shifted its headquarters to Pakistan a few years ago. Currently, the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics serves as the coordinator of the South Asia Network. Its activities are guided by a Research Advisory Panel made up of renowned economists from South Asia. The panel reviews the progress of various projects and provides expert guidance.
The Government of Pakistan recently announced $300 million in funding to support the country’s energy sector. This funding is intended to promote economic development and increase energy security in Pakistan. It will reduce the accumulated cash shortfall throughout the power supply chain, encourage private investment, and address circular debt. Listed below are some of the specific activities supported by the new funding.
PIDE conducts research in development economics in Pakistan. It also publishes research reports and PIDE Monograph Series. These publications are published under the Creative Commons Licence. This means that anyone can read and share them. This is the basis of the Institute’s work.
The Institute is partially funded by the Government of Pakistan, with the remainder coming from earnings from its endowment. It has long enjoyed generous patronage. The Aga Khan III provided seed money for the Institute’s early years, and the Ford Foundation and USAID both contributed to its endowment. Other major donors include the United Bank Limited and the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan.
The Institute’s work is guided by its governing principles. In particular, it examines the political and public policy issues in Pakistan, as well as the role of the government and private sector in external relations. Its research on these issues informs decision-makers in Washington, Islamabad, and around the world. Its work is also vital to Pakistan’s economic and social development. The Institute’s publications are widely known in the world.
In addition to its research work, PIDE also conducts policy analysis courses. PIDE has been designated as a capacity building institute by the government for civil servants in various occupational groups. Furthermore, PIDE maintains broad links with other institutes that contribute to its research and development activities.