In computer science, an object is a visible entity that has state and behavior. In addition, objects are modular, allowing them to be written independently of other programs. Objects are used in software design because they are highly customizable and can be written in different languages. This article will examine the fundamental concepts behind objects.
Objects are a visible entity
An object is an entity that is visible to our senses. We can test if something is an object by making a shadow appear on it. Lawyers often use the phrase “I object” in court to say that they disagree with a certain position or statement. Objects do not have to be unique.
They have state and behavior
In programming, an object is an entity that has a state and a behavior. The state of an object is the information it contains, while its behavior is the actions it can perform. An object can be either physical or logical, tangible or intangible. The state of an object is stored in its methods. These methods carry out specific actions, which change the state of an object.
Real-world objects also possess state and behavior. For instance, a dog has a name, a breed, and a behavior. A bicycle, on the other hand, has a state and behavior, namely, the current gear it’s in, the number of gears it has, and its current speed.
While there are several different definitions for the word “state”, they all involve Object Oriented Programming, and the lifecycle of an object. The state is an object’s status or characteristics, and manifests in its public data members. There are two basic types of state: essential state and non-essential state.
An object can inherit from a higher-level class and a subclass. Its state and behavior are inherited from the parent class. An object may inherit from one or more superclasses, such as a car class. This process is known as inheritance, and it’s an important aspect of object-oriented programming.
They are modular
An object is modular if it can be separated into several different components. A program, for instance, may consist of two modules: an input field and a button, and a logic component that performs calculations and outputs the results. The logic portion can be composed of a class or function, depending on the type of calculations.
This design feature allows for easy integration. It does not require special manufacturing equipment or extra electronics. However, if modules aren’t designed well, modularity can impede functionality. There are a limited number of product configurations that can be made using modular design. For example, a single module can only be used to create six or eight different configurations.
They can be extended
An object can be extended by adding one or more new attributes. This is done using the extension mechanism, and can be useful when you have multiple properties that need to be modified. To add new attributes to an object, click the property sheet and select Manage Object Extensions. This will open a list of attachments and allow you to select a file.